SEKE 2023 Tutorial

Quantum Software Tutorial

Prof. Iaakov Exman


Quantum Software refers to software systems whose theory is based upon quantum computing. Such systems can be pure quantum, pure classical or hybrid systems composed of a quantum sub-system and a classical sub-system. The mathematical base of quantum computing theory is linear algebra. This tutorial starts with linear algebra concepts using Dirac's notation: kets, bras, scalar product (bra-ket) and projection operators (ket-bra). Next we distinguish between quantum and classical systems: qubits vs. classical bits. Which are characteristic properties of quantum systems: superposition, tensor products, entanglement and measurement. Some elementary quantum gates are shown how they act upon qubits. Then, we define the Density Matrix and how we represent whole software systems, by this kind of matrix. Modularity of such systems is introduced.

About the Speaker:

Prof. Iaakov Exman got his MSc from the Technion (Israel Institute of Technology) with a thesis on "Quantum Computations with a Model Hamiltonian", he got his PhD from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and made post-doctoral research at Stanford University, Stanford, California. After spending about ten years at the Hi-Tec industry, Prof. Exman returned to the Academia. He is a faculty member of the School of Computer Science at HIT (Holon Institute of Technology, Israel). His research has been focused on Linear Algebraic Theory of Software Systems, and more recently on Quantum Software Theory.