Best Papers and Presentations Awards
It is our pleasure to announce the SEKE2019
best papers and presentations awards. To be eligible
papers must be presented at the SEKE2019 conference
by one of the authors in person. Video presentation will not be considered. The program committee will
evaluate both the papers and the presentations.
During the closing ceremony
the winners of the first place, second
place and third place awards will be announced. Winners
will each receive an award certificate and also
be invited to contribute an enhanced and improved
version of the paper to the International Journal
of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering.
A best demo award will also be granted by SEKE 2019 based on the poster/demo's innovation, technical contribution, and presentation.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate
to contact us.
SEKE2019 Conference Secretariat
Best Paper Award: First Place
Mark Grechanik and Gurudev Devanla
Generating Integration Tests Automatically Using Frequent Patterns of Method Execution Sequences
Best Paper Award: Second Place
Joaquim Assunção, Jean-Marc Vincent and Paulo Fernandes
Piecewise Aggregation for HMM fitting. A pre-fitting model for seamless integration with time series data
Best Paper Award: Third Place
Dongjin Yu, Kaihui Xu and Dongjing Wang
Modeling User Contextual Behavior Semantics with Geographical Influence for Point-Of-Interest Recommendation
Best Paper Award: Third Place
Fabien Patrick Viertel, Wasja Brunotte, Daniel Strüber and Kurt Schneider
Detecting Security Vulnerabilities using Clone Detection and Community Knowledge
Best Poster & Demo Award
Ahmad Alobaid, David Chaves-Fraga, Freddy Priyatna and Oscar Corcho
GraphQL Servers generation from R2RML with morph-GraphQL
Second place award presentation

Third place award presentation

Poster award presentation

general chair certificate of appreciation presentation

PC chair certificate of appreciation presentation

Keynote by Professor Robert Laurini

Keynote by Professor Rui Aguiar