Panel on the Future Research Directions
of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering

July 2 Monday, 8:20am to 9:20am (Room: Sequoia)

Moderator: Shi-Kuo Chang,, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Panelists: Iaakov Exman,, Jerusalem College of Engineering, Israel
Honghao Gao,, Shanghai University, China
Xudong He,, Florida International University, USA
Robert Heinrich,, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Angelo Perkusich,, University of Campina, Brazil
Jing Sun,, University of Auckland, New Zealand

Synopsis: Recent advances in big data, data mining, data visualization and artificial intelligence create many new opportunities both in research and in applications for software engineering and knowledge engineering. The panel will discuss how to leverage these advances to push for software engineering and knowledge engineering research and development. More specifically, how should the SEKE conference series and the IJSEKE journal position themselves to promote certain research areas, create special sessions and workshops that may lead to IJSEKE special issues? Each panlist will spend five minutes to discuss these issues. After that the floor is open for general discussion.