Plan and Schedule for Proceedings/JVLC Special Issue

The Journal of Visual Languages and Computing (JVLC), which is indexed by SCI, EI, DBLP, Scopus and other indexers, will publish selected papers of DMS/VLC/DET2015 in the December 2015 extra large special issue of JVLC. The conference will first publish a proceedings available to authors and conference attendees. Papers will go through three rounds of reviews so that selected papers can be further improved to meet the standard of JVLC. The JVLC special issue will be available both in print and online. The plan and schedule is as follows:

1. Papers must be submitted through EasyChair by June 1. Paper format is the two-column format. After first round of review, on June 30 submitted papers will be accepted as regular papers or short papers. Others will either be invited to be presented as research notes or rejected. Authors are advised to improve papers and submit through EasyChair by July 20. All accepted papers will be included in the proceedings. Page limits (10 for regular papers and 7 pages for short papers) must be strictly adhered to. Research notes will be given one page in the proceedings.

2. Second round review will start shortly after the revised papers are submitted, i.e. after July 20. The revised papers will be published in the proceedings and also reviewed again for possible inclusion in the JVLC special issue. EACH PAPER WILL BE REVIEWED ACCORDING TO ITS CATEGORY so that full papers, short papers and research notes all have a chance to be accepted for JVLC publication IN THEIR CATEGORY but CANNOT move up or move down to different categories. This will guarantee a more fair evaluation. On Sept 10 the invitations to submit to JVLC special issue will be sent. The authors have until Oct 1 to prepare final manuscript in two-column format to submit to JVLC website.

3. Between Oct 1 and Oct 20, the JVLC editor-in-chief and the various chairs and co-chairs will do an in-house review of all accepted papers to make sure the revisions suggested by previous reviewers have been made. This procedure will maintain the quality of the papers accepted by the journal. JVLC reserves the right to require further revisions on some papers if they still don't meet the standard and such papers may be postponed to be published in subsequent issues of JVLC.

4. Elsevier staff have from October 20 until November 30 to edit the special issue, which will be published both in print and online.

5. We expect all papers to be presented at the conference/workshops. Unless specifically approved by the conference, papers that are not presented will not be considered for publication in JVLC special issue.